People experience the presence of Jesus Christ in the world through the ministry of the Church. The first task of the parish community is to reach out to all people in Christian love and service. Christian hospitality draws people together, opens them to participation, and sets the tone for the liturgy. Every Christian is called to ministry and gifted by the Holy Spirit. This calling is rooted in our baptism. By means of our initiation into the Church and strengthened by grace, God empowers each person with the resources for ministry.
The minister of hospitality is equipped for this ministry by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts make that ministry effective and enable the minister to build up the Body of Christ. In their welcome and Christ-like attitude, ministers of hospitality ensure that the faithful see and experience the love of Christ. The ministry of hospitality is crucial because it is so visible in the Church.
Certainly, the attitude, conduct and even the appearance of the minister of hospitality directly affects, either positively or negatively, the experience of the faithful at Mass. Conscious of this vital ministry and its significance for the faithful, some parishes have created a separate ministry of greeters to help create a sense of welcome and hospitality. Others have broadened the role of usher to include all the services of hospitality.
REQUIREMENTS Those who desire to serve as minister of hospitality should be active and faithful members of the Church. They should be of godly character and reputation. Respect for others, discretion and appropriate decorum are the hallmarks of a minister of hospitality. Above all, ministers should be noted for their care to the assembly. These qualities are found in a mature Christian – qualities that transcend chronological age. Furthermore, the minister should be comfortable meeting and greeting others. They must always extend a sense of Aloha to others and make them feel at home. Such qualities are a blessing, especially to the stranger in our midst.
( Vacant ) to be appointed by Pastor.